Safe Community Classifieds

Work From Home Data Entry Clerk - Part Time Any Time

Work From Home Data Entry Clerk - Part Time Any Time Hello and thank you for your interest! We're looking for folks nationwide who are great at data entry and typing.
We offer a flexible work from home remote position that allows you to stay home with the family! The pay range is flexible from $22/ph to $32/ph DOE and level of experience.
Apply online today! You'll meet these requirements to work from home remotely Stable Internet connection Work can be done using the following:
Phone device, laptap or computer Must be able to type accurately with a minimum speed of 30 words per minute Able to focus on tasks without being distracted Must be resident of the US Not afraid of emailing clients as needed We're looking for folks who we can depend on who can work from home remotely without distraction and are go-getters.
Pay range from $22 to $32 hourly depending on the role, level of experience and proven ability to work from home at the same level as from an office.
Data entry clerks come from all different backgrounds including, data entry, telemarketing, customer service, sales, clerical, secretary, administrative assistant, warehouse, inventory, receptionist, call center, part-time, retail fields & more Must be 16 year of age or older Must be proficient with basic PC skills Must have an internet connection Basic english written language Basic english spoken language Thank you for your interest.
Please apply online! Recommended Skills Call Centers Customer Service Data Entry English Retailing Sales Apply to this job.
Think you're the perfect candidate? Apply on company site Estimated Salary: $20 to $28 per hour based on qualifications.

Don't Be a Victim of Fraud

  • Electronic Scams
  • Home-based jobs
  • Fake Rentals
  • Bad Buyers
  • Non-Existent Merchandise
  • Secondhand Items
  • More...

Don't Be Fooled

The fraudster will send a check to the victim who has accepted a job. The check can be for multiple reasons such as signing bonus, supplies, etc. The victim will be instructed to deposit the check and use the money for any of these reasons and then instructed to send the remaining funds to the fraudster. The check will bounce and the victim is left responsible.